First Announcment

2nd Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

CTW 2003

14 -- 16 May, 2003
University of Twente
Enschede, The Netherlands

The Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization is organized biennially at the University of Twente and the University of Cologne. Topics are: graph theory and discrete algorithms (both deterministic and random) and their applications in operations research and computer science.

We try to keep a `workshop atmosphere' to the best possible and to schedule never more than two presentations in parallel. We also try to keep the registration fee as low as possible (50 Euro) in order to make the workshop particularly accessible to young researchers.

Prospective speakers are asked to submit an extended abstract of their presentation, which will be refereed by a programming committee. The extended abstract should consist of three or four pages and reach the organizers before

February 16, 2003

It is intended to collect the accepted extended abstracts into a conference volume available at the workshop and to publish them in a volume of `Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics' (ENDM). The external program committee members include:

R. Diestel (Hamburg), F. Maffioli (Milan), J. Nesetril (Prague), A. Schrijver (Amsterdam), A. Sebo (Grenoble), B. Toft (Odense)

A normally refereed special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics will be devoted to the proceedings of the workshop. If you are interested in participating in the 2nd Cologne Twente workshop, please pre-register now informally (give your complete postal as well as your e-mail address and indicate whether you would like to give a presentation (ca. 30 min.) - possibly naming subject and/or title in case you know already. You should receive a definite registration form and more detailed information then by December, 2002.


H.J. Broersma, U. Faigle, J.L. Hurink, R. Schrader, G.J. Woeginger

Local Organization:

H.J. Broersma, J.L. Hurink, W. Kern, G.J. Woeginger
Department of Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

S. Pickl
ZAIK-Center for Applied Computer Science
University of Cologne
Weyertal 80
50931 Cologne, Germany


This announcement and further information on the workshop will be available also at the webpage: